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Fresh Mozzarella with tomato and basil, simple and refined. Mozzarella fresh with tomato and basil, simple and refined.
€ 16,00
Mozarella Caprese
Crispy shrimp croquettes with fried parsley & lemon Croquettes de crevettes croustillantes au persil frit et citron
€ 18,00
Shrimp croquettes / croquettes de crevettes
Aged cheese in croquette form, served as a tasty bite Fromage affiné sous forme de croquette, servi en bouchée savoureuse
€ 15,00
Cheese croquettes / Croquettes au fromage
Double the enjoyment with a combination of shrimp and cheese croquettes. Double the plaisir with a combination of croquettes aux crevettes and fromage.
€ 18,00
Duo of shrimp and cheese croquette / Duo de crevettes - et croquettes au fromage
Verfijnde gerookte zalm, een ware delicatesse Le saumon fumé raffiné, un vrai délice
€ 17,00
Smoked salmon / Saumon fumé
With honey & pesto, a tasty combination. Avec du miel et du pesto, an association savoureuse.
€ 15,00
Goat cheese / Fromage de chèvre
Juicy scampi in a garlic sauce, a delicious choice. Langoustines juteuses are their own sauce, a delicious choice.
€ 17,00
Scampi in the look / Langoustines dans le look
Beef carpaccio with Parmesan shavings, arugula, pine nuts and sun-dried tomatoes Carpaccio de bœuf aux copeaux de parmesan, roquette, pignons de pin et séchées tomatoes
€ 20,00
Beef carpaccio / Carpaccio de bœuf
Crispy Calamari Fritti, a seafood delicacy. Calamari Fritti croustillant, a delicious fruit de mer.
€ 14,90
Calamari Fritti / Calamars Fritti
100% Definitely Zeeland regional product. Served with Fries & Lettuce
100% Produit regional définitivement zélandais. Servi avec Frites & Laitue
Pure enjoyment of Zeeland mussels, served with only natural flavors A pure piece of furniture from Zélande, tableware unique with the natural aromas
€ 22,70
Mussels nature / Moules nature
Mussels in a delicious curry with a hint of garlic and cream. Moules dans een delicieux curry with a pointe d'ail and the cream.
€ 25,70
Musslen curry / Curry de moules
Mussels prepared in white wine, a refined choice for the gourmet. Moules prepared au vin blanc, a choice of refinement for the gourmets
€ 27,10
Mussels white wine / Moules au vin blanc
Mussels with a spicy twist of sambal, garlic and cream Moules with a touch of épicée de sambal, d'ail et de crème
€ 25,70
Mussels spicy / Moules épicées
A special combination of flavors for the adventurous eater. A special combination for savers for the adventure adventures.
€ 28,10
Mussels special / Special Moules
Mussels prepared with a delicious combination of garlic and cream, a tasty treat. Moules préparées avec a délicieuse combinaison d'ail and de crème, a régal savoreux.
€ 25,70
Mussels garlic cream / Moules à la crème d'ail
A delicious North Sea fish pan, richly gratinated a true taste explosion. A delicious meal in the Nordic region, rich in gratin and a veritable explosion of goodness.
€ 24,40
North Sea fish pan gratin / Poêlée de poisson gratiné de la mer du Nord
Crispy shrimp croquettes, served with a hint of lemon and fried parsley. Croquettes de crevettes croustillantes, crockery with a pointe de citron and persil frit
€ 24,40
Shrimp croquettes / croquettes de crevettes
Juicy baked salmon with a creamy béarnaise sauce, a real treat for the taste buds. One saumon juteux au four with one sauce béarnaise crémeuse, and freshly prepared for the papilles
€ 25,40
Fried salmon / Saumon cuit
Baked salmon with a surprising twist of curry sauce, raspberries and goat cheese. A harmony of flavors. Saumon au four with a sudden touch of sauce au curry, framboises and fromage de chèvre. A harmony of savers.
€ 27,20
Salmon goat cheese / Fromage de chèvre au saumon
Tender scampi, fried in creamy garlic butter. A classic with a delicious twist. Tendres langoustines, frites with fresh cream à l'ail. A classic with a touch of delicacy
€ 25,90
Fried scampi / Langoustine fries
Scampis in a refined curry sauce, a tasty combination that stimulates the senses. Scampis with a sauce curry refined, an association savory stimulus les sens.
€ 24,90
Scampi & curry / Langoustines et curry
Cod with vegetables, ham and a delicate white wine sauce. A culinary masterpiece on your plate. Morue aux légumes, jambon and a delicate sauce au vin blanc. A chef d'œuvre culinary for assistance